Saturday, June 7, 2008

One man’s opinion of the coolest helmets

I’ve always liked the Bucs old helmets.

Orange was my favorite color when I was a kid, and I’m still partial to it now.

The Bucco Bruce logo was unique and bit on the cool side. What wasn’t to like? OK, the play of the guys wearing those helmets.

But I don’t think the old uniforms were the cause of the Bucs failures. I think it was the old players.

Anyway …

The Bucs old helmet is today’s topic because it came in second in Matthew J. Darnell’s ranking of the 11 coolest football helmets in pro football history. Here is a link to his blog:,86651

Some of the reader comments are interesting, like those pointing to the omission of the Raiders and Vikings.

But ranking the helmets of pro football teams – and not just the NFL but any helmet of any pro league – is not an easy task, and I applaud Matthew for his effort.

Besides, I would probably come up with similar teams at the top of my list.

I might go with the Colts first, because I don’t think anything says pro football more than Johnny U looking downfield with the blue horseshoe on the sea of white.

The Packers is pretty cool, too. And so is the Chiefs helmet. And the old Patriots.
Outside of the Seahawks and Browns, I don’t think there is a bad helmet in the NFL. I’m not a big fan of the Rams current helmets. Or the Panthers.

Check out the Iowa Barnstorms of the Arena Football League. Now that’s a good look.

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